Monday, November 30, 2009

Sex Bomb gifted a new BMW

The BMW is slowly becoming a favourite among film stars. First it was Rambha who received a luxurious BMW 7 series from a Canadian company for which she's the brand ambassador. The latest recipient of these snazzy wheels is actress Lakshmi Rai. But Lakshmi wasn't as surprised by her new BMW as Rambha was.

"It was a birthday gift from my dad. I absolutely love the car and owning this BMW is a dream come true for me. I've been waiting for the past three years to own one," says Lakshmi Rai.

The car in question is the executive, fifth of the new car series from BMW. This actress car has a Maharashtra registration and she had to wait six months to receive the car after booking it.

"My birthday is on May 5th and we made a booking for the car on May 2nd, but there were some issues with the delivery and that's why it got delayed for so long. I was keen on getting only a top-end model and that's why I didn't mind the long wait," she says.

Meanwhile, Lakshmi Rai, who has recently moved to Mumbai, has also bought herself an apartment in the city which is reported to be worth Rs 4.5 crores.

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